Saturday, December 20, 2008

Another Waiting Room Bedtime...

Evening visiting hours were much more calm than earlier today. His heartbeat has been stable since about 4, so that is something encouraging. The major concern at the moment is the fragility of his heart and how irritable it has been lately - the nurses and doctors are worried that things could go downhill at any moment. They are working hard to stabilize it with meds and rest, so only time will tell. I keep telling everyone: it is all in God's hands now - whatever happens we can be secure in the faith that we will talk to him again soon, whether that "soon" is in a few days or many years.

We are so thankful for the host of clergy and friends who were here again tonight to pray with us - they said many healing prayers and a paraklesis, which meant so much to us all. The nurses are always astonished by how many times dad has been anointed and prayed with - I'm sure they could not even imagine how many people are praying individually!

I'll post again in the morning, or if/when we get more information from the night nurse. Please continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers; they are what keep all of us - including dad - moving forward. Much love!


  1. Dear Sedor Family,

    Our prayers are with you. We love you and we love your Dad, your Husband, and our Father. God be with him. He is a beautiful man with a precious heart and a kind and spiritual soul.

    With all of our love and support,

    The Parizeks

  2. Please know that we are praying for you. We and all the OCF love Father David very much!

    With love in Christ,
    Clement and Sara

  3. Steph,
    on our way home last night I told Father Ken how proud your mom and dad must be of what wonderful women you and Charrissa have grown up to be. The way you have set up this site and have been there for your parents is beyond words. We all continue to pray for all of you. please continue to take care of your Mom and give her a hug from us. You are all in our thoughts and prayers. I am sure that every Church tomorrow morning will be filled with all our prayers. God bless

  4. Dear Sedor's,
    As I posted earlier you are all in our prayers. I will be serving with Metropolitan Nicholas this morning and will give him an update. He is very concerned. We love you all.

    Deacon Ted

  5. We have been following your updates. You all are in our constant thoughts and prayers. If there is ANYTHING we can do to help, do not hesitate to call. We are just a stone's throw away.

    May our loving God, our Creator, our Comforter, our Great Physician, wrap His arms around you and give you peace.

    The LeViere family

  6. Thanks for the update Steph. Although I am waiting for Aunt Jo to post as she is so Internet-savy these days!

    About 3-4 more inches in Bing this morning so we are getting ready for a slow drive into church. We will say extra prayers for you all when we get there. Wish we could be there to give you a hug ourselves but glad you have so much support.

    Tell Uncle Ed HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

    Love Chris

  7. Blowing kisses from Binghamton ~ when you see the snow falling, think of us sending love and prayers with every snowflake. Dr. Bill and Diane Marusich
