Saturday, December 20, 2008

Had a rough couple hours, with some more irregular heartbeats that have the doctors concerned. We've got a bunch of clergy in with mom right now saying some prayers, and dad's been moving his arms and legs which the nurse says is good. We're waiting for the night nurse to get situated and give us the next update around 8. Aunt Tami is on her way, and we can't wait to see her later tonight. Thank you all for your continued prayers and support!


  1. Hi all - DelVillanos here - well Chris actually (on my home computer imagine that!). Thank you so much for the updates- we anxiously await them. Glad Tami is on her way. We set up for the St Nicholas Brunch today and the kids were doing cookie platters and Father Jim had everyone stop and we went into the church and he had a short prayer service for David. There were lots of people praying for him so hope you felt the love head your way.

    If you want a little humor break - my parents were up for dinner and my dad was "enjoying the wine" Then he had to put drops in my mom's eye because of the surgery and D noticed he was having a hard time putting the cork on the wine bottle (he kept missing) So we were all laughing and told him to aim for "the eye in the middle" :)

    Love you all Chris

  2. Glad you moved to blogspot. My friend used this when she had cancer surgery and it was really helpful for her and everyone else to keep up and get messages. Thanks for keeping everyone updated. I have been trying to get in some prayers whenever my mind wanders, so, you might guess that I am getting some good prayer time in for Fr. D. We will be praying for a good night tonight. Lots of love and positive thoughts to the Sedors! V-L

  3. Wanted you to know George and I have been sending our prayers David's way and are thinking of you all ;) Thank you for all the updates(good job Steph) have to love technology. We are checking often, hope the update around 8 brings good news! Keep thinking POSITIVE, like that movie/book "The Secret"...I know we are :)

    Love to you all {HUGS} Corrine & George

    PS Christi's story made me LOL, hope it gave you all a good laugh as well.

  4. OK..not sure if this is going to go thru or not..had to call christi a couple of times to figure how to post..anyway..just got our computer back after sending to the "geek squad" for 2 weeks and HUNDREDS of dollars later...should've married a "geek" instead of a "jock" haha... We've been saying numerous prayers on our end for david. Keep us posted on his prgnosis..thanks steph for all the updates... please tell uncle ed that the boys can't wait to call and sing him happy birthday tomorrow...but not sure what number to call...will try tami's cell but will leave at zoa ave...think positive and give everyone a kiss for us! Candice & Bob and boys xoxoxoxo

  5. Hi Steph, thanks for keeping us updated. Glad to hear that things have been stable for a while. Aunt MS has been updating us as well. All our love from IL.

  6. A lot of prayer being said "back home", from your St. Michael's Church family in Binghamton. To Father David, Eileen, and the entire Sedor Family ~ I hope you feel our hugs through the computer! Much love, Diane Duke Marusich

  7. I've been thinking of you guys all week long..if you need any thing or want us to watch willy (we'll try not to untrain him lol)we would just love to!

    "We pray that the Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father will comfort you and strengthen you in every good thing you do and say. Through His grace He gave us a good hope and comfort that continues forever"

    God Bless the Sedors
    The LeVieres

  8. --(oop!)2 Thes 2:16-17

  9. Steph- Hope this comes through...trying to figure out the blog.

    Thank you so much for the updates on David. Lisa and I are supplying a lot of prayers and positive energy for David from the west coast. Strength to David,you, Eileen, Tami, Uncle Ed, Aunt Jo and everyone. Love you all.

    John & Lisa Mastro

  10. Hi everyone in Pitt! Cara (and Matt) here. I am attempting this from Matts iPhone. We have been at a wedding today and I told Matt how I cried all day at David and Eileens wedding unless I was in my mom's arms. Also how David said he couldn't wait to cry at mine and get payback. Hope things keep getting better. We are saying many prayers from up north! My coworker Kirsten said he is in a great hospital! Thanks Steph for the updates. I check them constantly. Keep saying prayers and have faith God will do the rest. Ok this phone is driving me bananas. Only took me a half hour to type this.
    Love Always,
    Cara and Matt

  11. Dear Family, Just wanted to let you know that all of St. Michael's Church in Niles, Illinois is praying for Fr. David and for all of you. Many of your friends have asked for the blogspot address so we have shared it with them. Our prayers keep going out to all of you. Stay strong and give Fr. David a hug from all of us. Love, Patty, Emil, Michelle and Matthew
