Monday, December 22, 2008

Aunt Mary Sue (AMS) and Grandma Joyce came in late last night so mom was happy to see them. We welcomed them with some sub-zero wind chills, but apparently it's supposed to be about 50 degrees tomorrow, so maybe it will seem a bit more like home!

Mom went in to visit dad this morning and he responded to her requests for him to blink... we're just taking it easy now and letting him rest and stay calm, since we've had no heart problems since Saturday afternoon. His heart is still fragile, so we're waiting on pins. Kim's got the day off, so Amy is dad's nurse today - she's been doing a good job of knowing what information she can tell what family members - Tami and I always hear the most :)

Much love!


  1. YAY good news he blinked for Eileen :) Amy sounds like a good nurse as well, glad you guys have such nice people taking care of David! Sending more prayers and Positive thoughts as always!

    Glad Mary Sue and Joyce made it in okay..what a welcome you gave them with the coold weather! ;) Can't imagine it up there as here it is 26 and sunny! BRRR

    Oh and tell your Nana...I made Ricotta cookies that I am bringing up to NY this week (the recipe she says is "no good") So will leave some in my Mom's freezer for her to try when she gets back ;)

    Love me

  2. good news that he's blinking on command :) And glad MarySue and Joyce made it in ok! hOpe they brought warm clothes and snow shoes!

    Haha about the cookies..even Tami said my recipe was no good (one's that Corn made). Is Aunt Jo missing my 10 phone calls to her per night asking about her frosting, etc? hehe..

    Sending more prayers your way..should get there quicker than yesterday as now we are having high winds!
    Cara :)

  3. Been meaning to drop you all a line. Your Father has been in our prayers and will continue to be so. Take care of yourselves!

    Fr. Matthew and Pani Jodi Moriak

  4. Glad to see the update!! GREAT news! All i have to say is that some of my sisters have a bit too much time on their hands!!

  5. Aunt Carole here, since I can't figure out the anonymous thing. We are constantly praying and thinking about David and all of you. Keep being supportive to your mom and grandparents
    Stay positive. Can't help thinking that a short time after we all went into church on Saturday w/Father Jim and prayed for David that they stopped shocking his heart. Love you all, Aunt Carole

  6. From Uncle Carl- He said to tell David that he predicts that the Giants will meet and BEAT the Stellers in the Super Bowl. Tell Fr. David and that will perk him up and he'll jump right out of bed. He is in his prayers every day all day. Uncle Carl

  7. ok...real windy here 17 degresse and w/ wind feel like neg 5..almost wiped out in the parking lot while doing all and last minute christmas shopping...the parking lot was a sheet of ice..bags in hands so nothing free to break a fall then all of a sudden a huge gust of wind comes up and I almost fell flat on my bottom..i'm sure someone somewhere in that parking lot was peeing their pants from laughter..just hope it doesn't show up on utube was a sight but i'm sure i'll be paying for it tomorrow....thoughts are w/ all of you and you can tell david..we're off to the ranger game game tomorrow night..playing the capitals (too bad not the penguins) we would've had to bet aunt jo's cookies on it..maybe the nursing staff can let her into the kitchen to whip some off...and send to long island! Christian made uncle ed a picture for his bday..

  8. adventure is to try and figure out how to get our picture up and on the left hand corner...maybe aunt jo can help w/ that info...hahaha

  9. Haven't heard much today, hope it is the no news is good news thing. Jess just went to pick Zak up, he is in safely from LA, thru the snowstorm...
    We hope to get a tree up tomorrow, last year we did the lights on the tree after midnite Christmas Eve!
    Remember the time, Aunt Jo, Uncle Ed, and Tam, came to Park Ave, and Tami played Christmas songs on her guitar--I think Jess was about 18 mos. then...long ago

    Aunt Mary, Uncle Bill, Aunt Anne wondering if we heard anymore today...Lots of Love, Across the miles---

  10. Dear Sedor family,
    My deepest sympathy to all of you. David has always been an important part of all of our lives. I have so many fond memories of him from childhood.
    May the newborn Christ bring comfort and peace to all of you.
    Eternal be his memory.
    Sue Fabian
